2014 June 7 Saturday
2014 Lithuania aquabike Championship I stage
Race guide
Time: 7. June 2014
Place: Birštonas, Lathuania, GPS 54.613004, 24.026284
Organizer: Vandens motosporto klubas “RD RACING”
Competition regulations: LVMSF; IJSBA
Competitions: Closed course
Race classes Lithuanian Championship:
SKI Junior, SKI Ladies Limited, SKI Stock, SKI GP, Runabout Classic Open (2T N/A),
Runabout Beginners (Open), Runabout Stock (4T), Runabout GP.
Participation fee:
Closed course 60 EUR, participation in two classes + 50%, latecomers x 2.
Participation fee includes: Right to compete, obligatory insurance, competition number, the use of competition (number) vest.
Licenses: Licenses are required to all competitors.
Closed courses procedures: The maximum number of competitors in SKI classes one start is 12 drivers. Runabout classes 10 drivers.
Helmet, back protection and life jacket are mandatory for all riders. Leg protectors are compulsory for all Runabout riders.
Rules directed or related to safety are promulgated to ensure that everyone involved has a primary concern for safety. Each participant in competition is responsible for assessing the safety aspects of the facilities and conditions, and personally assumes the risk of competition.
LVMSF, competition organizers, judges, course masters, sponsors, etc., do not accept any responsibility regarding any loss or accident to you or to third-parties including loss of business, loss of sale, equipment or property damage, injury or death resulting from or to you or other third-parties.
1. – 60. 6. – 36. 11. – 22. 16. – 12.
2. – 53. 7. – 33. 12. – 20. 17. – 10.
3. – 48. 8. – 30. 13. – 18. 18. – 8.
4. – 43. 9. – 27. 14. – 16. 19. – 4.
5. – 39. 10. – 24. 15. – 14. 20. – 2.
The results of Championships are rewarded according to LVMSF competition regulations.
Race schedule:
8.00 – 9.00 Registration to championship, technical inspection.
9.00 Competitors meeting.
9.30 Free practice.
11.00 1st star.
18.00 Finish.
19.00 Prize – giving ceremony.
21.00 After – party.
2014 June 8 Sunday
2014 Lithuania “SLALOM” Championship I stage
Race guide
Time: 8. June 2014
Place: Birštonas, Lathuania, GPS 54.613004, 24.026284
Organizer: Vandens motosporto klubas “RD RACING”
Competition regulations: LVMSF; UIM
Competitions: slalom
Race classes:
Ski Stock, Ski GP, Runabout Novice (Stock), Runabout Amateur (Open), Runabout Sport (Open).
Participation fee:
Slalom course 30 EUR, participation in two classes + 50%, latecomers x 2.
Three runs the fastest lap in one, all classes.
1. – 20. 6. – 11. 11. – 6. 16. – 1.
2. – 17. 7. – 10. 12. – 5. 17. – 1.
3. – 15. 8. – 9. 13. – 4. 18. – 1.
4. – 13. 9. – 8. 14. – 3. 19. – 1.
5. – 12. 10. – 7. 15. – 2. 20. – 1.
The results of Championships are rewarded according to LVMSF competition regulations.
Race schedule:
10.00 – 11.00 Registration to championship, technical inspection
11.00 – 11.30 Free practice
12.00 1st start
15.00 Finish, Prize – giving ceremony.
Race registration
Information: Tel. +370672 30979 Deivis
Hotel reservation: